An Open Letter to Donald Trump|

Written by: Adham Sharkawi (Al-Watan Qatar Newspaper) Al-Shiraa, January 23, 2025


Mr. Donald Trump, Greetings:

… And God is my witness that I was praying for your victory, to the extent that my wife congratulated me on your win, saying: “Your friend has won!” Of course, I would have voted for you—not out of love for you, as my heart is not that blind—but because you are an openly malicious man. Whatever is in your heart is on your tongue. You are not a diplomat like the speckled viper, Hillary! I wanted you to win so that my people could see America’s ugly face through you.

I come from a people who, if Hillary were to say to them, “Go to hell, you lovely ones!” they would reply, “The blonde has flirted with us!” But with you, it’s different. You are brutally honest and play with an open hand. You openly declare: “We want Arab oil.” You openly state: “Arabs and Muslims are not welcome in America!” You openly admit: “I stand with Israel in everything it does.” You don’t pretend to oppose settlements while secretly funding their cement. You don’t call for Israel to show “restraint” in Gaza while supplying them with missiles to bomb it!

Mr. President:

Do you know why America chose you? I will tell you. It chose you because you are a replica of itself. In any respectable country, your qualifications wouldn’t befit a president but rather a gang leader! Don’t be offended—the burden of proof lies on the claimant!

First, you are ignorant of culture and understand politics about as much as Shakira understands Einstein’s theory of relativity. Hillary humiliated you in two debates, exposing your ignorance, yet they still elected you! They leaked videos of you bragging about harassing women, yet they still elected you! They proved you dodged taxes—the same taxes you expect people to pay—yet they still elected you! Your personal life is nauseating, yet they still elected you! Believe me, you are a miniature version of America, a grotesque version of a grotesque nation that still celebrates dropping nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki without a shred of conscience!

Mr. President:

We are tired of masks—show us America’s true face. We are tired of sweet talk—let us hear America’s real voice. We are weary of your expressions of concern and nausea over our suffering—those are pregnancy symptoms, not political stances! Show us how America truly feels about us. Don’t worry about breaking our hearts—we already know the truth, but we want our rulers to see that this is a one-sided love affair! We are tired of your pretensions of balance—take the stick and strike us over the head, perhaps we will wake up!

Mr. President:

Nothing ruins nations faster than placing them in the hands of a fool. And I pray that your era marks the beginning of America’s downfall, that your years in power will be like the seven lean years of Egypt during the time of Prophet Yusuf (Joseph), peace be upon him. So please, be yourself. Don’t let them restrain you. I beg you, be American—without the makeup!

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